October 24, 2011

PSA Test Valuable in Predicting Biopsy Need, Low-Risk Prostate Cancer


The prostate-specific antigen test, commonly known as the PSA test, is valuable in predicting which men should have biopsies and which are likely to be diagnosed with low-risk prostate cancer, a Mayo Clinic study has found.  The findings were released today during a meeting of the North Central Section of the American Urological Association in Rancho Mirage, Calif. "The decision to use the PSA test is best made by the patient, in consultation with his doctor," says R. Jeffrey Karnes, M.D., a Mayo Clinic urologist and co-author of the paper, "Baseline PSA in Men Ages 40 – 60 Predicts Risk of Subsequent and Low-Risk Prostate Cancer in a Patient Cohort."

HealthCanal, 10/24/11

 Additional coverage: MarketWatch

Tags: Cancer, Urology

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