March 2, 2012

Is Sitting the New Smoking?


A doctor at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., calls it the "sitting disease," likening the ill effects of inactivity that doctors are still discovering to the discovery of the side effects of smoking. Dr. James Levine helped initiate a new study at a small company in Minneapolis. "Work-fit" stations replaced 30 desks, so employees can now sit or stand while working. Levine himself has been walking on a treadmill while he works for years. The study, and a handful of similar studies world wide, are ongoing.

Discovery News, by Sheila Eldred, 03/01/2012

Additional coverage: News Tribe, Indian Express

Tags: "sitting disease", "work-fit" stations, Dr. James Levine, ill effects of inactivity, Mayo Clinic Rochester, Research, Wellness

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