April 2, 2012

Empathize Like A Doctor, Design Like An Entrepreneur


The health care industry is a slow-moving dinosaur, but health-related apps often fail to take into account any understanding of medicine. How can we bridge that gap?... At Mayo Clinic, we work on inter-disciplinary product teams that include designers, strategists, health care professionals, technology partners, and most importantly patients…Driving product development towards better health care outcomes requires the coordination of many aspects of the health-delivery system…For example, Mayo Clinic’s Healthy Aging and Independent Living (HAIL) lab is a participatory prototyping environment within a retirement community in Rochester, Minnesota, that specifically involves external partners--i.e. retirement community residents, physicians, administrators, insurers, and retail distributors--in the product research and design process.



Fast Co.Exist by James Senior   4/2/12

Tags: Health Policy, Industry News & Competitive Intelligence, Mayo Clinic Rochester, Mayo Clinic's Healthy Aging and Independent LIving Lab

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