October 2, 2012

Breathe Easier: Advancements Boost Survival From Cystic Fibrosis


A half-century ago, most people with cystic fibrosis died before reaching elementary school. Today, thanks to new treatments and screening practices, the rate of survival from the disease has dramatically increased, with a median survival age just over 38 years, said Dr. Mark Wylam, a cystic fibrosis specialist at Mayo Clinic. That's up from a median in 1986 of 27 years.  Mayo Clinic Scottsdale's Dr. Jack Riordan and colleagues discovered the cystic fibrosis gene in 1989, Wylam said.


Post-Bulletin by Jeff Hansel

Tags: cystic fibrosis, Dr. Jack Riordan, Dr. Mark Wylam, Mayo Clinic Arizona, Post Bulletin, survival rate

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