November 17, 2009

Portion control can make for a healthy Thanksgiving feast

By Kelley Luckstein

Want to make your Thanksgiving feast one to remember? turkey


Give it outstanding taste, inviting odors and an eye-appealing view. But -- stuff the turkey, not your guests' tummies. How? Mayo Clinic's food experts have ideas.


"The enjoyment of food is not a matter of how big the portion is, it's about the quality of the food," said executive chef Richard Johnson…


Rose Prissel, a Mayo registered licensed dietitian, suggests encouraging guests to enjoy the food -- experience and savor the flavor. She also suggests getting out Grandma's china. "Grandma's dinner plates should be smaller in size," she says. When people use smaller plates, they tend to take healthier portions.


Post-Bulletin by Jeff Hansel, 11/16/09

Tags: healthy holiday eating, Nutrition, portion control

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