May 29, 2012

Are Video Games Killing you?


Meet Jason, chirps James A. Levine, Professor of Medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, in his book Move a Little, Lose a Lot. "Jason was a self-defined 'gamer' who spent the vast majority of his non-work time plopped on the sofa moving little but his thumbs and forefingers as he slayed villains and raced cars. To Jason, life without videogames wasn't much life at all. Imagine his delight when I told him that even a gamer like himself could live a NEAT life. Thanks to Wii, an interactive gaming device that requires players to literally go through the motions of golfing, bowling, swinging and kicking to play the games, Jason could keep his games and get his NEAT, too."


Xbox 360 Magazine

Tags: Dr. James A. Levine, Mayo Clinic Rochester, NEAT, video games, Wellness, Xbox 360 Magazine

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