April 19, 2013

Carnitine: A Highly Promising Biomarker and Proven Treatment for Cardiac Disease and a Case against It as a Cause of Atherosclerosis

By Logan Lafferty

L-carnitine is a natural substance found in high concentrations in the heart…On April 13 of this year- last week- the findings of a multicenter clinical study were published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings reporting that L-carnitine, when administered after a heart attack, significantly reduces death from all causes as well as causing a significant reduction of ventricular arrthymias and angina attacks when compared to placebo or a control group.


Wall Street Journal (PR Newswire)

Tags: angina, cardiac disease, Cardiology, heart attack, L-carnitine, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, Preventive Medicine, Research, Wall Street Journal

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