August 16, 2019

Study: Vitamin A may keep skin cancer away

By Karl Oestreich

Mankato Free Press
by Brian Arola

Dr. Nikoo Cheraghi, dermatologist at Mayo Clinic Health System in Mankato, said the study was a follow-up to an earlier one that didn’t identify an association between vitamin A intake and skin cancer prevention. The most recent results came after a longer-term scope, finding intake over an extended period was related to the lower cancer rates. Cheraghi said she’d like to see further study into the connection between vitamin A and skin cancer prevention before recommending patients incorporate it more into their diets. Synthetic vitamin A, though, is already used as a medication for patients considered at high risk for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, or CSCC.

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Context: Nikoo Cheraghi, M.D. is a Mayo Clinic Health System dermatologist.

Contact: Amanda Dyslin

Tags: Dr. Nikoo Cheraghi, Mankato Free Press, Uncategorized, vitamin A and skin cancer

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