November 15, 2019

Mayo Clinic in the News Weekly Highlights for November 15, 2019

By Emily Blahnik

NBC News, New NASA study finds long-haul danger for astronauts: Blood flow in reverse by Denise Chow — Spaceflight can halt and even reverse blood flow in astronauts' upper bodies, a NASA report said Wednesday, a startling discovery that has important implications for future trips to Mars and other long-duration missions…“Medicine in space is a journey into extreme physiology — discovering what happens when we leave Earth and how our bodies adapt,” said Dr. Jan Stepanek, a physician at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix who specializes in aerospace medicine. “If we send people on missions to Mars, we need to find appropriate countermeasures, so they maintain muscle mass and bone density and cardiovascular fitness.”

CBC, 'This is not a magic wand': Spinal stimulation used on Humboldt Bronco promising but in early research stages by Nicole Ireland — "It's not just flipping a light switch," said Peter Grahn, a neuroscientist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, who has been conducting clinical trials on epidural stimulation.  In a previous study with two participants, Grahn and his colleagues were able to get them standing without the assistance of a therapist while the epidural stimulation device was turned on. Grahn himself was paralyzed in by a spinal cord injury in 2005, and is excited about the possibilities epidural stimulation may present. But at the same time, he said, "there's a lot of work that needs to be done on the scientific side" to better understand the specific biology and mechanics at play.

CNBC, How US doctors discovered the vaping illness: ‘This is not infectious. ... I just don’t know what this is’ by Berkeley Lovelace Jr. — Doctors initially said the illness resembled a rare form of pneumonia, caused by oil in the lungs, but a Mayo Clinic study cast doubt on that theory. Researchers who examined lung biopsies from 17 patients suspected of having the illness published a study last month that said a mix of “toxic chemical fumes,” not oils, may be to blame.

The Independent, Woman’s gene mutation could aid fight against Alzheimer’s by Pam Belluck — Dr Guojun Bu, who studies APOE, said that while the findings involved a single case and more research is needed, the implications could be profound. “When you have delayed onset of Alzheimer’s by three decades, you say wow,” said Dr Bu, chairman of the neuroscience department at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, who was not involved in the study. He said the research suggests that instead of drugs attacking amyloid or tau, which have failed in many clinical trials, a medication or gene therapy targeting APOE could be promising. Additional coverage: Advisory Board

Post-Bulletin, Study: CEOs have overtaken the health care conversation by Paul John Scott — "In the last decade or so there's been a takeover of the space of influence by chief executive officers," says Dr. Victor Montori, co-author of the paper and director for the KER Unit at Mayo. "The proportion of them increased in the last 16 years, from CEOs being about 23 percent of the list to being about 72 percent. Their influence has been steadily increasing over time, and especially since 2009."

Post-Bulletin, Joy is in our hearts: 'That is Haiti to me' by Matthew Stolle — For the past nine years, since an earthquake became Haiti's 9/11, Mayo Clinic nurse Kay Anderson has traveled with a Rochester-area medical team to provide care to the people of Haiti.  At first, the team set up daylong mobile clinics in rural areas across southern Haiti, serving patients by the hundreds. Then, last year, the group opened a medical clinic, funded by its nonprofit, CHAMPs in Haiti, and staffed by Haitian professionals.  Through it all, Anderson, a Mayo Clinic critical care nurse and president of CHAMPs, has met with her share of skepticism: Why do you do it? For a country so poor, destitute and mismanaged, what can you possibly accomplish except a Band-Aid of sorts?

Post-Bulletin, Mayo puts campus on low salt diet by John Molseed —Talking about winter precipitation this early in the season can make people a little salty. Last winter was the snowiest on record in Rochester. Despite that, Mayo Clinic used 60 percent less salt to de-ice its campus paved surfaces than was used the previous winter. That’s not a small task under a regular burden. Mayo grounds maintenance crews are responsible for 15 miles of sidewalks, more than 300 doorways, more than 800 outdoor steps and about 120 acres of parking lots and roadways.

Post-Bulletin, 10 things to know about the warming center by Randy Petersen — With an estimated cost of $180,000 for staffing and operations, Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota has signed on to run the operation. The bill is being covered by Olmsted County, the city of Rochester and local business entities led by the Rochester Chamber of Commerce and Mayo Clinic, which provided $75,000 for the initial project, including renovations. Additional coverage: Med City Beat

KIMT, Mayo Clinic’s blood donation program is looking for younger donors by Madelyne Watkins — The Mayo Clinic's Blood Donation Program receives a generous amount of blood from older donors, but they're in need of younger blood to keep their supply coming. Right now, a majority of Mayo's donors are 55 and older. Transfusion Medicine Physician, Justin Kreuter, said the need for blood is growing and they're in need of the next generation of donors. "Fast forward 10, 20 years, are we still going to be able to support 70% of the blood deans of Mayo Clinic in the years to come? Without any changes, that answer is no," explained Dr. Kreuter.

KIMT, The battle against FTD by Raquel Hellman — "It's primarily a personality change," said Dr. Brad Boeve, a neurologist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. "It's really a devastating illness. And to have no therapies that are even remotely effective has been very disappointing," Boeve said. But there is hope. The National Institutes of Health is awarding Mayo Clinic and the University of California - San Francisco a grant of more than $63 million for research. The funding will help them work toward their goals in the battle against this devastating disease.

KIMT, Mayo gets an ‘A’ for patient safety by Mike Bunge — Mayo Clinic says eight of its hospitals around the country have earned an “A” for patient safety. The grades come from The Leapfrog Group, a non-profit agency run by employers and other large buers of health benefits. "Congratulations to the eight Mayo Clinic hospitals that received 'A' grades for patient safety," says Henry Ting, M.D., chief value officer, Mayo Clinic. "These scores reflect Mayo Clinic's commitment to patient care and the remarkable dedication of each and every Mayo Clinic employee. Mayo Clinic strives to be the safest organization to receive care and deliver care."

KAAL, Death and dying, a laughing matter — It's usually not a very funny conversation: death and dying. But one group is changing the way we think about the end of life matters. Mayo Clinic Hospice and Palliative Care is bringing a group here to bring a different spin to the topic of death and dying. Carla Brunsvold, an operations manager at Mayo Clinic, sits down to discuss the upcoming show and what you can expect. 

KTTC, Mayo Clinic patient crochets scarves for the homeless while awaiting heart transplant — “Even in our time of trouble, the Lord helps us so we can help other people. That’s my basis on it,” said Mayo Clinic patient and crocheter Elizabeth Sammons. “Because He’s blessed us a lot in this time, so I feel fortunate that I have a gift that I can use to bless other people.”

KTTC, Mayo teaches students about dangers of vaping — November is Lung Cancer Awareness month. Friday, students at Albert Lea High School learned about the effects of vaping and e-cigarettes on your lungs. The Mayo Clinic Cancer Center displayed their large inflatable lung demonstration to teach kids about how irritants in vaping products can cause damage to your health. Previously seen as a safer alternative to cigarettes, the dangers of vaping are becoming more apparent. “Just the awareness of the inflammation and some of the permanent damage and how much we don’t know the long term effects of vaping yet,” said Mayo Clinic Health System nurse manager Kellie Peterson. “Making the community aware of that and kids are a good place to start since we can get them young.

KSMQ, R-Town interview — Featuring Mayo Clinic Dr. Ajeng Puspitasari talking about the Herman Home.

Star Tribune, In stunning reversal, Alzheimer's therapy may actually work by Tara Bahrampour — Ronald Petersen, director of the Mayo Clinic Alzheimer’s disease Research Center who consulted with Biogen but was not involved in the studies, called the news “a bright light” after “so many failures in the field.” But he cautioned that it is not clear the FDA will approve the drug. With few drugs on the market, the FDA might be pressured to approve the therapy on the basis of one positive trial — instead of the traditional two, researchers said. If approved, aducanumab would bolster the theory that treatments that remove or reduce amyloid beta are an effective approach. Other therapies now in the clinical trial pipeline include those that address inflammation, the immune system, blood vessels and synaptic cell health.

Star Tribune, Twin Cities doctors use improv training to combat burnout, build listening skills by Jeremy Olson — Mayo Clinic surveys have found that as many as half of working doctors are emotionally exhausted or have other symptoms of burnout, which can cause them to quit at a time when the nation already has a physician shortage — or to depersonalize their work and to treat patients like widgets. While improv training might seem like an unusual Band-Aid, Mehta said there are similarities between impromptu skits and doctor-patient visits.

Star Tribune, Made in Minnesota, stroke-prevention device Watchman reaches 100,000 implant milestone by Joe Carlson — Back in late October 2003, Mayo Clinic cardiologist Dr. David Holmes, a co-inventor and co-founder of Atritech, wiped a little sweat from his brow after implanting the first Watchman in the U.S., at the Rochester hospital. “The striking thing is that now, in 2019, ... my colleague Dr. [Mohamad] Alkhouli at Mayo put in the 100,000th device that’s ever been used,” Holmes said in an interview.

Star Tribune, Don't weaken flavored vape ban, Mr. President — Allowing the sale of mint or menthol, a flavor that also delivers a cool sensation, is a mistake, too. “Eliminating menthol from conventional and electronic cigarettes is critical to prevent youth initiation, as it is well known within the industry that this is the flavor preferred by the vast majority of teen ‘starters,’ ” said Dr. Richard Hurt, a retired Mayo Clinic smoking-cessation specialist.

Minneapolis/St. Paul Business Journal, Overcoming knee pain through cartilage repair by Laurie Garrison — “The knees are often outside the body’s center of gravity,” said Dr. Daniel B.F. Saris, an orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist at Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine in Minneapolis and Rochester. “When people walk up or down stairs, the knee is hit with five to seven times the body’s weight. That's why many people have pain in their knees, and why it's an important joint.”

Minnesota Daily, Researchers battle "zombie cells," ward off age-related diseases by Hana Ikramuddin — Specifically, attempting to address age-related diseases holistically through the removal of senescent cells is relatively new in the medical field. “We can use genetic tricks to target those cells and eliminate them ... getting rid of those cells could potentially be an intervention for [age-related] conditions,” said Nathan LeBrasseur, who works with senescent cells at the Mayo Clinic as a consultant in the Department of Physiology and Biomedical Engineering.

Brainerd Dispatch, Study: CEO's have overtaken the healthcare conversation by Paul John Scott — That's the finding of an unusual new study published by the Knowledge and Evaluation Research Unit of the Mayo Clinic. Their recent letter in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings describes a 16-year transformation of the widely-read 100-person power list, one that came about after the authors categorized each influencer by broad class of occupation, then calculated their changing percentage of the list. "In the last decade or so there's been a takeover of the space of influence by chief executive officers," says Dr. Victor Montori, co-author of the paper and director for the KER Unit at Mayo. "The proportion of them increased in the last 16 years, from CEO's being about 23 percent of the list to being about 72 percent. Their influence has been steadily increasing over time, and especially since 2009." Additional coverage: Bemidji Pioneer, Daily Republic

KEYC Mankato, Palliative Care Conference addresses end-of-life questions by Alison Durheim — The 2019 Palliative Care Conference was hosted Thursday at the Mankato Civic Center, inviting the community to have a conversation about the end of a life and how to prepare for it. The End-of-Life Experience: A Community Conversation with doctors, caretakers and family members. “The issue is that we live in a culture where we consider death as a failure and even talking about treatment options is considered as giving up if you decide not to pursue things aggressively and the odd thing about that is sometimes people do better when they make more thoughtful choice,” said Dr. Greg Kutcher, M.D., a hospice medical director with the Mayo Clinic Health System.

KEYC Mankato, MCHS, Mankato Area Public Schools collaborate for educational vaping event by Ryan Sjoberg — In an effort to educate as many kids as possible, Mayo Clinic Health System and Mankato Area Public Schools teamed up for an event to teach students about the harmful effects of vaping. According to MissingItMN, an independent nonprofit organization that aims to improve the health of all Minnesotans by reducing tobacco use and exposure, one in five Minnesota teens vape, a number that has only been rising substantially through the years. Additional coverage: Mankato Free Press

Mankato Free Press, Mayo in Mankato awarded patient safety honor — Mayo Clinic Health System in Mankato’s hospital received an “A” grade for patient safety from a nonprofit tracking health measures at facilities across the country. The Leapfrog Group’s hospital safety scores are released twice per year. They measure 17 different hospital safety metrics, both from publicly available data and self-reported survey answers. Additional coverage: KTOE-Radio

Austin Daily Herald, Mayo hospitals receive ‘A’ grades for patient safety — The Hospital Safety Score is updated and published twice per year. This score is based on 17 measures of publicly available hospital safety data, combined with 11 additional self-reported survey answers, to produce a single patient safety score. A panel of safety experts developed these measures. The Leapfrog Group is one of many groups that recognize Mayo Clinic as a top choice for patients.

WKBT La Crosse, Health experts help parents understand their children's anxiety by Molly Ringberg — If left untreated, anxiety can lead to other mental health problems and continue into adulthood. But health experts say there are ways parents can manage their child's anxiety.  "Mental health is a concern for everyone and making sure that in this new world we're living in with technology that we're truly connecting with each other and supporting each other and yet again, raising those healthy, vibrant children," said Cindy Shireman, Sustainability Coordinator at Mayo Clinic Health System.

WKBT La Crosse, Local nurse's doubts changed about flu shot; says there's a lot of misinformation by Jordan Fremstad — The flu vaccination prevented an estimated 7.1 million people from getting sick from 2017 through 2018 according to the CDC. However, many people still don't believe the vaccine actually works because of the symptoms it can cause.  "I used to be a skeptic," said Carrie Apuan, a nurse at Mayo Clinic Health System. "The first couple of years I got the flu shot, I developed some symptoms."

WXOW La Crosse, Recommendations for staying active in the intense cold — Local experts want to remind us we can still stay warm, and active in these cold, intense temperatures. Many people lose motivation to stay active in the cold, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Experts at Mayo Clinic Health System recognize that we all are capable of staying warm, as long as we minimize direct skin exposure. Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Alecia Gende, has the key to staying warm. “I would dress in layers,” she said. “If you can have that first layer be a wick away insulative layer and then have the most external layers have windbreaking capabilities, that would be helpful as well.”

La Crosse Tribune, Mayo System VP to speak at Viterbo about medical ethics by Kylie Mullen — Dr. Paul Mueller, regional vice president for Mayo Clinic Health System, will speak as part of the the D.B. Reinhart Institute for Ethics in Leadership’s fall lecture series at 7 p.m. Nov. 14 in the Viterbo University Fine Arts Center Main Theater, 929 Jackson St., La Crosse. Mueller, whose region includes Mayo Clinic Health System Franciscan Healthcare-La Crosse, will discuss life-saving technologies, end-of-life decision-making, and the ethics associated with each.

La Crosse Tribune, Season of Light begins at Mayo by Kylie Mullen — All are invited to memorialize and honor friends and loved ones by purchasing holiday tree lights, angels and tree toppers for the Franciscan Healthcare Auxiliary’s 2019 Season of Light campaign. During the past 20 years, the Season of Light Program and Memorial Fund has provided more than $190,000 to Mayo Clinic Franciscan Healthcare patients needing assistance paying medical bills.

La Crosse Tribune, Misty's Dance Unlimited, Mayo Clinic to host free forum on childhood anxiety by Emily Pyrek — Coffee and Conversation, a partnership between Misty’s Dance Unlimited and Mayo Clinic Health System and supported by the La Crosse Community Foundation, Coulee Parenting Connection and WKBT News8000, will be held bimonthly at Misty’s, 923 12th Ave. S., Onalaska, and feature local experts on youth mental and physical health topics. The kickoff program, running from 10 to 11 a.m. Saturday, will focus on anxiety disorders, the most common psychiatric disorder in childhood, and feature Janice Schreier, a child and adolescent clinical therapist at Mayo Clinic Health System.

WIZM-Radio, Mayo doctor stresses safety so you don’t visit him after hunting by Drew Kelly — Minnesota has been hunting for a week now, and the Wisconsin gun deer season is less than 10 days away. One area physician, Dr. Paul Molling of Mayo Health System in La Crosse, says hunters who aren’t up for their usual routine shouldn’t push it because of tradition. “Don’t overdo yourself, if you have chest or respiratory concerns,” Molling said. “Make sure your family and friends know where you are and just take it easy if you aren’t in peak health.” Last winter, Molling saw a number of significant back injuries.

Albert Lea Tribune, ‘Helping them find peace in their last days’ by Sarah Stultz — Hospice volunteer enjoys friendships with others

The Atlantic, What Happens to Relationships When Sex Hurts by Ashley Fetters — …For more than a century, pain during penetrative sex was murkily understood and often presumed to be a physical manifestation of women’s dislike of or anxiety toward sex. Today, as Buehler puts it, it’s less common for people to have to visit 10 different doctors to finally get a diagnosis, but it’s still likely they’d have to see three. The Mayo Clinic explicitly states that doctors still don’t know what causes the condition, and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists calls it a “diagnosis of exclusion.”

Runner’s World, How You Can Break Barriers Just Like Eliud Kipchoge by Cindy Kuzma — Maybe you weren’t gifted with Kipchoge’s fluid stride—but you can work to stay smooth and calm even when you’re running fast, says Michael Joyner, M.D., an expert in human performance at Mayo Clinic. Tune in (or out): In some situations, paying closer attention to your body’s physical cues aids in maintaining a hard effort. Focus on a single part of your stride, like your breath or the rhythm of your footstrike, to stay in the moment. In other cases, focusing on something external works better—like listening to music or picturing yourself at the finish. Practice both during hard workouts and notice which works when.

Scientific American, How Mass Spectrometry Can Help Limit Reproducibility Problems by Maria Rosales Gerpe — MS distinguishes proteins or protein fragments (peptides) based on mass (m) and charge (z). Proteins are digested with enzymes known as proteases, and the digestions are put through a mass spectrometer. Each observed spectral peak or signal in the MS instrument corresponds to a unique m/z ratio for a given peptide. The Mayo Clinic research group tracks unique m/z values to accurately and rapidly identify the type of antibody (isotyping) used in clinical laboratories. They frequently and successfully employ their mass spectrometers as tools for inspecting mAbs prior to assay development.

US News & World Report, Health Tip: Benefits of Massage — Massage involves the pressing, rubbing and manipulating of the skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments, says Mayo Clinic. Though not a replacement for regular medical care, it can accompany treatment of a range of conditions. Mayo says benefits of getting a message may include…

Modern Healthcare, Minnesota looks to evolve its patient safety reporting system by Maria Castellucci — Right now, Minnesota requires all hospitals and ambulatory surgery centers to conduct a root cause analysis for each event that occurs and how to prevent it from recurring. "It's a lengthy process," said Dr. Timothy Morgenthaler, vice chair of quality and affordability at Mayo Clinic. At Mayo Clinic Hospital, the system's flagship facility in Rochester, Minn., 41 never events occurred, according to the state's most recent report. Of those, 11 were pressure ulcers, 10 were wrong surgeries and six were falls. One fall killed a patient, while five caused serious harm. While Mayo Clinic takes every never event seriously, there are some events that aren't helped by conducting a root cause analysis, Morgenthaler said.

Insider, You can't get the flu from the flu shot, but there are side effects by Kathy Jean Schultz — If you get the flu shot, common side effects include, "soreness, redness, or swelling might develop at the injection site," Dr. Charles Peters of the Mayo Health Clinic System tells Insider. Other common side effects include achiness or a low-grade fever of less than 101 degrees Fahrenheit.

Bustle, The 6 Best Essential Oils For Eczema by Jenny White — While there is no cure for eczema, or atopic dermatitis, there are things that you can do at home to potentially help with some of the symptoms. The best essential oils for eczema “may improve hydration; moisturize, soothe, and calm the skin; and reduce inflammation and itching,” Alina G. Bridges, DO and dermatologist at the Mayo Clinic, told Bustle in an interview.

New York Daily News, Mayo Clinic Q&A: Identifying severity of shoulder separation is key to effective treatment — DEAR MAYO CLINIC: A few weeks ago, I was snowboarding and dislodged my collarbone. I was told I have anywhere from a grade 3 to grade 5 separation. I've had my arm in a sling for three weeks, as was recommended, but it's still painful. Does this type of injury ever heal on its own, or will I need surgery? I am 20 and don't want to have shoulder pain for the rest of my life. ANSWER: The type of injury you have -- commonly referred to as a separated shoulder -- can be treated effectively. There's no need for you to suffer from ongoing pain, and you should be able to return to the level of activity you enjoyed before this injury. — Nancy Cummings, M.D., Sports Medicine, Mayo Clinic , Rochester, Minn.

New York Daily News, What to know about metabolic syndrome by Christine Yu — A study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings found that obese and overweight people who shed at least 15% of their body weight--and kept it off for a year--had a 37% lower risk of metabolic syndrome. Even a 5% drop can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce belly fat (another risk factor).

Managed Healthcare Executive, Approaches to Cancer Pain Management — About 5% of the U.S. population are cancer survivors, 15.5 million people, according to “Pain in Cancer Survivors: How to Manage,” June 2019, Current Treatments in Oncology. Cancer-related pain can be from the disease itself, or due to treatment. Most cancer patients will experience pain at some point during their illness, says Jacob Strand, MD, chair of palliative care medicine at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. About 80% to 90% of those with metastases, who are incurable, will have cancer-related pain, Strand says, as will up to 40% of cancer survivors overall.

WETM, Guthrie hosts world renowned lung cancer expert — Medical Oncologist Konstantinos Leventakos, MD, Ph.D. visited Guthrie from the number one ranked hospital in the nation to share information about advances in lung cancer screening and treatment. Mayo Clinic’s Leventakos joins Guthrie’s Pulmonologist Mohammed A. Aziz, MD as part of a special event called “Shine a Light on Lung Cancer” aimed at raising awareness about the disease.

Chicago Health, Mayo Clinic Q&A: Kidney Donors Do Not Need to Be Relatives — DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I’ve heard of people being a living kidney donor for someone they don’t know who’s in need of a transplant. How does that work? Don’t you have to be a relative, or at least a friend, to donate a kidney? ANSWER: If you’re interested in being a living kidney donor, it’s not necessary for you to be related to — or even to know — the person who receives your kidney. This can be accomplished in several ways. The first is in a nondirected donation, where the donor does not name the organ recipient. The second is a paired donation, where two or more people who are in need of a transplant trade donors. — Patrick Dean, MD, Transplantation Surgery, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.

Chicago Now, My Breast Cancer Journey Part 12: My Twin Sister Starts Chemotherapy at Mayo Clinic! by Sister Christian — This blog post is the twelfth in a series about my (and now, my twin sister's) preventative breast cancer screening journey that began when we were 30 years old in July 2019.

Knowable magazine, Why scientists need to be better at data visualization by Betsy Mason — “Bar graphs are something that you should use if you are visualizing counts or proportions,” says Tracey Weissgerber, a physiologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, who studies how research is done and reported. “But they’re not a very effective strategy for visualizing continuous data.” Weissgerber conducted a survey of top physiology journals in 2015 and found that some 85 percent of papers contained at least one bar graph representing continuous data — things like measurements of blood pressure or temperature where each sample can have any value within the relevant range. But bars representing continuous data can fail to show some significant information, such as how many samples are represented by each bar and whether there are subgroups within a bar.

South Coast Today, Understanding burning mouth syndrome by Liza Torborg — DEAR MAYO CLINIC: I’ve had what I think is burning mouth syndrome for about two months and it’s getting worse, not better. Are there any at-home treatments that will make it less uncomfortable? ANSWER: Before you try any treatments, I recommend you first get a thorough evaluation from a health care provider who is familiar with burning mouth syndrome. It’s important to rule out underlying medical conditions that could be contributing to your symptoms. Then, if the condition truly is burning mouth syndrome, a wide variety of treatment options are available, including self-care steps that may reduce discomfort. — Dr. Rochelle Torgerson, Dermatology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.

Global News, What is gout? What you need to know about this painful disease by Ari Patel — The Mayo Clinic notes there are several factors that increase uric acid in your body, including everything from diet to obesity to family history to even age and sex. “Gout occurs more often in men, primarily because women tend to have lower uric acid levels,” the site noted. Additional coverage:  MSN Canada

Herald News, Some common youth sports injuries are avoidable — As fall and winter sports are in full swing, youth athletics will see a rise in injuries. Tens of millions of children and teens participate in organized sports, and more than 3.5 million sports injuries occur every year. Fortunately, most injuries that occur with children are not serious and will not need surgery, according to several Mayo Clinic sports medicine experts. In fact, all of these injuries are avoidable. “Listen to your body,” says Anikar Chhabra, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon and the director of Sports Medicine at Mayo Clinic in Arizona. “If patients are hurting and they’re having injuries, you have to get early treatment to make sure that this doesn’t become a longstanding problem.” Additional coverage: Trib Live, Virgin Islands Daily News

Express UK, Type 2 diabetes: Sprinkle this on your breakfast to lower blood sugar by Adam Chapman — Fibre plays an essential role in helping people with type 2 diabetes control their blood sugar levels so it is important to include it in one’s diet. As Mayo Clinic explained: “In people with diabetes, fibre — particularly soluble fibre — can slow the absorption of sugar and help improve blood sugar levels.” Furthermore, a healthy diet that includes insoluble fibre may also reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

The Hindu Businessline, Virtual Care-The road ahead in healthcare by M. Somasekhar — David Hayes, Enterprise Medical Director (Provider Relations) , Mayo Clinic Network speaks on about the future of healthcare…‘Virtual Care’, is perhaps the next big wave in healthcare management that is emerging with the US targeting 2030 for realising some tangible applications. Big data, Genomics, Personalised medicine, Stem Cell therapy and application of tools like Artificial Intelligence will drive dramatic developments in modern medicine that promise to tame many diseases, says David Hayes, Enterprise Medical Director (Provider Relations) , Mayo Clinic Network.

Healio, Women may be more likely to have penicillin allergy — Women were more likely to have positive penicillin skin test results than men, according to findings presented at the American College of Asthma, Allergy & Immunology Scientific Meeting. Dayne Voelker, MD, of the Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education, explained during a presentation that previous studies have shown that women are more likely to have asthma and anaphylaxis, and that “women are at increased risk for adverse drug reactions, and we wanted to know specifically if that was the case in penicillin as well.”

MedPage Today, The Dangers of e-Cigarettes: Evidence Builds by Gloria Arminio Berlinski — Mayo Clinic experts weigh in: In a review of the 2018 version of the GOLD report, Shireen Mirza, MBBS, MD, and her colleagues from the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn., critiqued several recommendations of the GOLD Science Committee, including those involving e-cigarettes. “The numbers are going up every day,” Paul D. Scanlon, MD, senior author of the review and a professor of medicine in the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the Mayo Clinic, told MedPage Today.

MedPage Today, Clinical Challenges: Cannabis Gains Ground as Sleep Aid by Salynn Boyles — Bhanu Prakash Kolla, MD, of the Mayo Clinic Center for Sleep Medicine in Rochester, Minnesota, told MedPage Today that the Minnesota Health Department based its OSA approval on minimal scientific evidence: two animal studies, a proof of concept study involving just 17 adults, and a phase II study of the THC cannabinoid drug dronabinol (Marinol, Syndros) that enrolled 73 adults. Dronabinol is approved by the FDA for the treatment of nausea symptoms in patients on chemotherapy and anorexia associated with HIV and AIDS. "I believe it is a significant overreach to say that these studies show that [THC products] are useful in the treatment of OSA," he told MedPage Today.

Medscape, Excess Weight Tied to Poorer Colorectal Cancer Outcomes by Marcia Frellick — The biggest implication of these data is that "in treating cancer, weight may play an independent role in outcomes," said Jonathan Leighton, MD, a gastroenterologist from the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix. "The findings are thought-provoking at the very least. I am not aware if there are previous studies looking at that detail," he told Medscape Medical News.

Targeted Oncology, Expert Highlights the Clinical Utility of RNA Sequencing Methods in Cancer — Kevin Halling, MD, PhD, a consultant in the Division of Laboratory Genetics and Genomics and Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at the Mayo Clinic, discussed the clinical utility of RNA-sequencing methods in patients with cancer at the 2019 Association for Molecular Pathology (AMP) Annual Meeting and Expo. Halling says RNA sequencing is a very powerful diagnostic technique. According to Halling, these methods can be used to detect not only gene fusions in patients with cancer, but RNA sequencing can also detect point mutations and small indels. Additionally, pathologists can use RNA sequencing techniques to measure gene expression in the patient’s tumors.

Gastroenterology & Endoscopy News, ‘If the Gut Works, Use It’ — That advice comes from John K. DiBaise, MD, a professor of medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Mayo Clinic Arizona, in Scottsdale, who said because enteral nutrition (EN) is associated with lower risks and costs, as well as increasingly comparable outcomes, parenteral nutrition (PN) should be used only in hospitalized patients at high nutritional risk when enteral alternatives are not possible or sufficient.

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Editors: Emily BlahnikKarl Oestreich

Tags: alzheimer's disease, anxiety, blood donation program, Breast Cancer, burning mouth syndrome, Cancer, cannabis, Carla Brunsvold, Carrie Apuan, CHAMPs, Chemotherapy, Cindy Shireman, Colorectal Cancer, Dr. Ajeng Puspitasari, Dr. Alecia Gende, Dr. Alina Bridges, Dr. Anikar Chhabra, Dr. Bhanu Prakash Kolla, Dr. Brad Boeve, Dr. Charles Peters, Dr. Daniel B. F. Saris, Dr. David Hayes, Dr. David Holmes, Dr. Dayne Voelker, Dr. Greg Kutcher, Dr. Guojun Bu, Dr. Henry Ting, Dr. Jacob Strand, Dr. Jan Stepanek, Dr. John K. DiBaise, Dr. Justin Kreuter, Dr. Kevin Halling, Dr. Konstantinos Leventakos, Dr. Michael Joyner, Dr. Nancy Cummings, Dr. Nathan LeBrasseur, Dr. Patrick Dean, Dr. Paul D. Scanlon, Dr. Paul Molling, Dr. Paul Mueller, Dr. Peter Grahn, Dr. Richard Hurt, Dr. Rochelle Torgerson, Dr. Ronald Petersen, Dr. Shireen Mirza, Dr. Tracey Weissgerber, Dr. Victor Montori, E-cigarettes, eczema, Eliud Kipchoge, Elizabeth Sammons, Essential Oils, flu shot, FTD, gout, Haiti, heart transplant, Herman Home, hunting, intense cold, Juul, Kay Anderson, Kellie Peterson, kidney donation, knee pain, Leapfrog Group, Lung Cancer, marathon, massage, Mayo Clinic Proceedings, mental health, Metabolic Syndrome, NASA, palliative care, paralysis, patient safety, penicillin allergy, physician burnout, Shoulder separation, sleep medicine, space, spaceflight, spectrometry, spinal stimulation, type 2 diabetes, Uncategorized, virtual care, warming Center, Watchman, youth sports, zombie cells

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